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Protecting Blue Whales and Blue Skies

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A Partnership for Safer Whales, Cleaner Air and a Quieter Ocean

Protecting Blue Whales and Blue Skies is a voluntary Vessel Speed Reduction (VSR) Program along the coast of California. By creating seasonal and predictable slow speed zones, this program helps companies protect endangered whales, reduce fuel use and regional greenhouse gas emissions, and improve air quality. The Protecting Blue Whales and Blue Skies team independently verifies cooperation rates, quantifies the benefits of participation, and provides recognition of program participants to encourage the adoption of sustainable shipping practices across the globe.


More about vessel speed reduction, program participants, and how and where the program operates.


Results related to reduced regional greenhouse gas emissions, air pollution, fatal ship strike risk to endangered whales, and underwater noise.


The program collaborates with shipping carriers, retail brands, ports, logistics companies and freight forwarders to improve shipping sustainability. 

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